
Naina pov

As my husbands ventured out for an enigmatic meeting, I thought on a solitary exploration of our mansion. With trepidation, I wandered through the opulent corridors, marveling at the grand pool and sprawling garden that is the same those of my ancestral home.

Ascending the grand staircase, I discovered a music room adjacent to my husband's chambers. Curiosity drew me to the library beyond, a sanctuary filled with towering bookshelves laden with tomes on politics, economics, and medicine. To my surprise, there was a conspicuous absence of romance novels. I couldn't help but wonder which of my husbands harbored a secret literary passion.

Suddenly, the sound of a voice startled me. 'Mam, what would you like to eat for lunch?' Lita, the housemaid, inquired.

'Rajma chawl, please,' I replied, my voice betraying my longing for the familiar flavors of home.

'How long have you worked here?' I asked, seeking a connection.

'Ten years, Mam,' she responded.

'That's wonderful,' I said, a glimmer of camaraderie sparking between us.

As I settled into my room to unpack my belongings, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was merely a pawn in this elaborate game of alliances. Rudra, the elder twin, had always maintained a stoic demeanor, leaving me to question his true feelings. Ansh, on the other hand, had been more attentive, showering me with compliments.

As evening approached, I wear a read dress that accentuated my curves. My choice was inspired by a longing for a romantic encounter, as my husbands had promised to take me out for dinner.

Rudra and Ansh entered my room, their eyes widening in appreciation. 'You're beautiful,' Rudra said, a flicker of something unreadable crossing his gaze. He excused himself to the bathroom, leaving me alone with Ansh.

'You're breathtaking,' he whispered, his voice husky. A blush crept across my cheeks as he too disappeared into the adjoining bathroom.

Moments later, the twins emerged from their respective sanctuaries, looking immaculate and undeniably handsome. We made our way to a secluded Chinese restaurant, where we were the only patrons.

I sat nestled between my newlywed husbands, Ansh and Rudra

As I gazed at the deserted tables, a question stirred within me. 'Why is the restaurant empty?' I inquired, my voice soft.

Rudra, his piercing blue eyes meeting mine, replied, 'This establishment belongs to us. We prefer to dine without interruptions.'

I nodded, understanding the need for privacy in their high-stakes world. Ansh, with his disarming smile and raven-black hair, turned to me. 'What would you like to eat, my dear?'

'I have a fondness for vegetarian cheese pizza,' I answered.

Rudra raised an eyebrow. 'You abstain from chicken?'

'I do not find joy in harming living creatures for sustenance,' I explained. 'Life is precious, even for animals.'

A flicker of amusement crossed Ansh's face. 'You were a mafia princess, yet you harbor such compassion. An intriguing combination, wife.'

'Now I like you more, wife,' Rudra's voice sent shivers down my spine, his warm breath caressing my ear. I turned to face him. Our lips were tantalizingly close, our gazes locked in an unspoken dance. 'So you like me, husband?' I whispered, my voice barely audible.

'I can show you how much,' Rudra replied, his eyes blazing with desire. A blush crept across my cheeks as I felt a surge of heat coursing through my body.

I glanced at Ansh, who was watching me with a knowing smile. His presence only intensified the simmering tension between us.

A waiter approached to take our order. I received a vegetarian pizza while my husbands indulged in fried chicken and chicken pizza. As we chatted about our day, I realized with a start that they had taken an interest in my teaching profession.

'It's fascinating,' Ansh remarked. 'The idea of shaping young minds.'

I couldn't help but blush under their intense scrutiny. The evening passed in a whirlwind of laughter, secrets, and shared dreams. As we left the restaurant, I felt a sense of contentment I had never experienced before.

Returning to the mansion, we made our way to our room. After changing into comfortable clothes, we collapsed onto the bed. Sleep beckoned, but the memories of our extraordinary evening lingered in my mind.

As I lay down between the twins, an unspoken tension hung in the air.

'Do you both sleep together?' I asked tentatively, breaking the silence. 'I mean, you and Rudra.'

Ansh chuckled. 'Yes, my dear. People find it odd, but we've always been inseparable. If you're uncomfortable, you can sleep on my side.'

'No, it's fine,' I replied. 'We have to learn to live together.'

I felt Rudra's gaze upon me, and I turned to face him. 'Don't you have any romance books?' I asked.

Rudra raised an eyebrow. 'My lovely wife, romance is a futile endeavor. Besides, I prefer non-fiction.'

'It's not futile,' I insisted. 'It's beautiful.'

He shrugged. 'If you say so.'

As I drifted off to sleep, I could sense Rudra's strong arms wrapped around me from behind. I could feel his morning wood pressing against my back. Simultaneously, Ansh's embrace tightened around me from the front. I felt like a sandwich, but it was a sandwich I relished.

In the morning, when I awoke, I found myself sandwiched between the twins. Rudra's arms were still around me, As I lay in bed, i felt a warmth envelop me from behind. Rudra was pressed up against me, his erection hard against my backside. And in front of me Ansh, held me close, his body radiating heat. I couldn't deny that I liked it.

I rubbed myself against Rudra, curious about the feelings was stirring inside of me. I had never been with a man before, and the thought of it both terrified and excited me. Rudra's erection grew harder as i moved against him, and he let out a low moan.

"If you don't stop, I can't stop myself from taking you now," he growled in my ear. "I'm not a gentleman, wife . I won't be able to hold back."

I stopped moving, my heart racing. I had never been so turned on before. I felt Rudra's lips on me kissing me with a passion that took my breath away. And then, i felt Ansh's lips on my neck, his voice husky in my ear.,

"Good morning, wife."

My mind was reeling. I had never been with two men before, and the thought of it was both thrilling and intimidating. But as i felt their bodies pressed against my, i knew that I wanted it.

Being the mafia princess, I had never known love or affection. But in the embrace of these two men, I felt a strange sense of contentment. I had married into a rival family, but I had also found something I had never expected: a love that transcended all expectations.

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